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Top ten journals for literary scholars and students

Top ten journals for literary scholars and students
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One of the most emphasized catchphrases in the world of academia is ‘Contribution to Knowledge’. This underscores the essence of academic scholarship: contributing to knowledge to make the world a better place.

Thus, scholars/students who want to remain relevant in their respective fields must be on their toes, looking for gaps to fill in the existing body of knowledge and new paths to explore, all in a bid to ensure the world keeps progressing.

For scholars/students, publishing new research findings provide two main benefits: contributing to knowledge and getting rewarded (by academic degrees/honors, promotions, etc.) for doing so.

To use a popular cliché, academic scholars have only two options: to publish or perish. To remain relevant and get to the peak of your career, you must actively research and publish your findings; otherwise, you become stagnant, outdated and irrelevant.

In this piece, I examine some notable and universally recognized journals for literary scholars to feature their works:

  • Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics

Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (JCLA) is owned and published by Vishvannath Kaviraja Institute of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. It was founded in 1977 for the promotion of multidisciplinary studies and researches in literary culture. JCLA has featured great scholars such as Rene Wellek, Harold Osborne, Mircea Eliade, and so on. Read more about JCLA at

  • American Comparative Literature Association Journal

The American Comparative Literature Association is an American literary journal founded in 1960. The journal specifically focuses on comparative literary studies.

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The ACLA sponsors three scholarly journals – Comparative Literature, Comparative Literature Studies, and Symploké. Find out more about the ACLA at

  • Journal of Modern Literature

The Journal of Modern Literature is a quarterly peer-reviewed literary journal published by Indiana University Press.  Its scope includes world literary studies/works produced after 1900. Check the journal out at

  • Literary Review of Canada

The Literary Review of Canada (or LRC) is a Canadian magazine founded in 1991. The magazine publishes ten times a year (both in print and online). Its scope covers essays, books reviews, socio-cultural and political topics, poetry and so. Read more about LRC at

  • World Literature Today

World Literature Today is an American publication of literature and culture published by the University of Oklahoma, Norman. The magazine presents essays, poetry, fiction, and book reviews from all over the world. World Literature Today is accessible on

  • JALA – Journal of the African Literature Association

The Journal of The African Literature Association (JALA), founded in 2006, publishes high-quality peer-reviewed articles on African literature: the oral, literary, and related arts of Africa and the African Diaspora.

JALA is published by Taylor & Francis, a publisher of quality peer-reviewed journals under the Routledge and Taylor & Francis imprints.

JALA is available on

  • Journal of Arabic Literature

The Journal of Arabic Literature was founded in 1970. It is a reputable journal that publishes literary and historical studies covering all aspects of Arabic literature, Middle Eastern literatures and Middle East studies generally.

The scope of the journal covers comparative literary studies, literary theory and method, etc. and so on.

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 Find out more about the Journal of Arabic Literature at

  • University of Toronto Quarterly

This journal publishes quality articles and reviews from the humanities. It is available in print and online. Check out the journal here:

  • Journal of Arts and Humanities

Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal in the fields of arts and humanities disciplines. JAH publishes original research, creative work, and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular issues in arts and issues in the field of humanities studies. The website for JAH is

  • International Journal of Language & Literature

International Journal of Language and Literature is an international journal with a major focus on the latest developments in stylistic analysis, the linguistic analysis of literature and other related areas. Check out the journal on

Do you know any other credible literary journals not listed above? kindly add yours in the comment box!

Nurudeen Lawal

Nurudeen Lawal

I work as a Content Editor with a leading publishing company in Nigeria, Literamed Publications Nigeria Limited.View Author posts

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