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Learning how to use Python without any programming background

Learning how to use Python without any programming background
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So, you’ve finally decided to learn how to use Python. That’s awesome! 

Python is a great programming language that almost anyone can learn, even if they’ve had no prior programming experience. 

It has a simple syntax that is “human-friendly,” meaning anyone on earth can read (and write) it as if they were using English.

It’s also an incredibly versatile and useful language, so you can use it for coding apps, websites, software, and many other things.

That said, a lot of people can feel lost and disoriented in the process. 

If you’re one of those people, this guide on learning how to use Python without any programming background should help. 

How to start using Python

Learning how to use Python is relatively easy; however, it will require you to put in long hours of practice. Yes, the syntax is pretty easy to  understand and decipher, but without enough practice, you still won’t be able to do a single thing with Python. 

Here are some tips to get you started with Python programming:

  • Do it every day

If you want to start using Python, studying once a week won’t be enough to get you off the ground. Consistency is key when you’re learning a new language like Python. This is why practicing every day, especially during your first few months, is important. 

Set aside an hour or two every day to brush up on new codes and techniques that will help sharpen your knowledge. Additionally, look into newer and much better ways you can learn how to use Python. 

  • Make the most of interactive exercises
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There are plenty of resources online that allow you to do interactive Python programming exercises. Even if you haven’t read that many books about Python or watched as many tutorials, just getting started with coding can put you ahead of the game. 

Most online interactive Python exercises are easy to understand and do. But if you want to challenge yourself, there are also some sites that offer more advanced problems for you to solve. 

Repeat this process as many times as you can, so what you learn is properly integrated into your brain. 

  • Talk about what you learn

Talking about what you learn with other python developers is another great way to solidify your knowledge of programming. Even if it’s just to clarify something about your code that you didn’t quite understand — you can learn a lot from simply asking questions and sharing your insight. 

If you’ve discovered a cool new code, don’t be afraid to share it with others. The best way to find out if you’ve actually learned something is to test out the knowledge on other people. Once you’re able to explain a theory in a clear and concise way, then you know that you’ve understood it. 

  • Create your own projects

Now that you’ve tried interactive programming exercises and have talked about what you’ve learned with other programmers, it’s time to create your own projects.

This doesn’t have to be anything complicated, mind you. Most people get intimidated by the thought of programming their own project because they thing they need to be an expert from the get-go. 

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You can start with a small project, like a website or a simple application. Once you’ve gotten the groundwork done, you can continue building upon that as you grow as a programmer. 

There’s no reason for you to rush the process. 

Where to find learning resources

You can find over a dozen high-quality courses online that teach beginners how to use programming languages like Python. Some are free while others may require you to pay a small fee to gain access. 

A couple of websites you should check out are: 

  • Coursera
  • Udemy
  • CodeAcademy
  • Google’s Python Class
  • Programming with Mosh (YouTube)
  • Python for You and Me (Book)

These are all great resources for beginners with no background in programming. 

How long does it take to learn Python?

Besides the obvious learning curve present in studying programming languages, another thing that discourages people from pursuing programming is the amount of time they need to dedicate to practicing. 

So, you might be wondering: 

How long does it take for someone with no programming experience to learn Python? 

Well, the answer really depends on how fast and consistently you work toward the goal of becoming proficient in Python programming. 

For some people, two to 10 weeks is all they need to get a good grasp of the basic concepts of Python programming. Others, on the other hand, may take anywhere between 2 to 3 months. 

The bottom line

Python programming is the simplest programming language for anyone to learn. However, it doesn’t come without its own set of challenges and obstacles. If you want to start using Python, the only way you can achieve your goal is to consistently work toward it. 

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Practice every day, get to know more about the different techniques and codes, and experiment with new theories by creating your own programming projects. 

Have fun coding!

Bash Samiento

Bash Samiento

A writer and an educator from Manila. He writes about education, lifestyle, and health. His academic background and extensive experience in teaching, textbook evaluation, business management, and traveling are translated into his works.View Author posts

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